(304) 354-7874
A school for the arts in the heart of the country celebrating the artist in every person since 1982.
Fall 2022 Weekend Workshops
Autumn on the Meadow
September 10th - November 5th 2022
A program of FREE weekend classes, workshops, and events with
Jude Binder.
Below you will find information about the brand new programming we will be offering. Heartwood favorites will now be presented as day long workshops on the weekend.
Register Online Now!
Please call and leave a message at 304-354-7874 for questions.
Classical Ballet - Refine Your Technique
Students will work towards anatomical precision and physical geometry, as a self-disciplined practice. Classes include Floor, Barre, Centre, and Across-the-Floor work. Strict attention is given to the balance and design of bones and how best to move them efficiently and safely.
Movement for Health and Centering
A day long workshop to come home to your center, an exploration of the body within. We will regard the body architecturally, as a building that moves, the pelvis as a bridge that walks. We'll study the bones, with examples from comparative anatomy of humans and other vertebrates.